“Breastfeeding mothers should consult their doctor before fasting.”

“Breastfeeding mothers should consult their doctor before fasting.”

Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Op . stated that fasting by breastfeeding mothers is an issue that needs to be taken into consideration in terms of mother’s health and baby’s nutrition . Dr. Zeynep Banu Erdoğdu said, “Fasting while breastfeeding should be decided by taking into consideration factors such as the effect of long-term fasting on breast milk, the baby’s nutrition pattern and the mother’s own nutritional needs. “Since every mother and baby’s condition is different, it is necessary to consult a doctor before fasting,” he said.

“Breastfeeding mothers should consult their doctor before fasting.”
“Breastfeeding mothers should consult their doctor before fasting.”

VM Medical Park Samsun Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Op. Dr. Zeynep Banu Erdoğdu gave information about breastfeeding and fasting. Op said that fasting by breastfeeding mothers is an issue that requires attention in terms of mother’s health and baby’s nutrition. Dr. Erdoğdu said, “In this process, when deciding to fast, factors such as the effect of long-term fasting on breast milk, the baby’s nutrition pattern and the mother’s own nutritional needs should be taken into consideration. Since every mother and baby’s situation is different, it is important to consult your doctor before fasting. “Your doctor can give you individual advice and help you create a healthy fasting plan.”
“Breast milk quality may be affected”

Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Op.  Dr.  Zeynep Banu
Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Op. Dr. Zeynep Banu

Obstetrician Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Op. Dr. Zeynep Banu

Op says that those who are considering fasting as a breastfeeding mother should also consider the baby’s nutrition routine. Dr. Erdoğdu said, “Breast milk provides the nutrients necessary for the baby’s growth and development. However, since your fluid and nutritional intake is restricted while fasting, the quality and quantity of breast milk may be affected. That’s why it’s important to breastfeed your baby at regular intervals and drink enough fluids. “Paying attention to fluid consumption allows you to protect your own health and meet your baby’s nutritional needs,” he said.
“Your physician may recommend additional nutritional supplements.”

Zeynep Banu
Zeynep Banu

Op stated that taking additional nutritional support when necessary is one of the steps to be taken to meet the needs of the baby . Dr. Erdoğdu said , “If you are at risk of malnutrition while fasting, your doctor may recommend additional nutritional supplements. These supplements can be used to provide the nutrients necessary for the baby’s development. “It is important to follow your doctor’s recommendations to protect your baby’s health.”

“The nutritional needs of the mother should not be ignored”

Op emphasizes that another important point for breastfeeding mothers to consider during the fasting process is not to ignore their own nutritional needs. Dr. Erdoğdu said, “It is important to follow a healthy and balanced nutrition plan while fasting. It is an important step to pay attention to nutritional diversity at iftar and sahur meals and consume foods rich in protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. “This way, you can protect your own health and keep your energy level high throughout the breastfeeding process,” he said.

Source: VM Medical Park Samsun Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics  Clinic


VM Medical Park Samsun Hospital Other News

“Blood sugar imbalance can make fasting risky”

Blood  sugar imbalance can make fasting risky”

Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Specialist  Prof.  says that diabetes is a disease in which blood sugar balance is disrupted. Dr. Mehmet Hulusi Atmaca said, “Blood sugar balance cannot be established in diabetic individuals because there is a deficiency in insulin secreted from the pancreas. “The ability of diabetic patients to fast depends on the type, course and other accompanying diseases of the disease,” he said.

VM  Medical  Park Samsun Hospital Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Specialist Prof. Dr. Mehmet Hulusi Atmaca  gave information about fasting and diabetes in Ramadan .

Diyabetin halk arasında genellikle kan şekerinin çok yükselebildiği bir hastalık olarak bilinmesine rağmen,gerçek hayatta kan şekerinin anormal yükselme ve/veya hayati tehlikeye sokacak kadar anormal düşmeye neden olabildiğini söyleyen Prof. Dr. Mehmet Hulusi Atmaca, “Bu açıdan diyabet, kan şekerinin dengesizleştiği bir hastalıktır. Diyabeti olmayan sağlıklı bireylerde beslenmedeki dengesizliklere rağmen kan şekeri normal sınırlarda seyredebilirken, diyabetik bireylerde pankreastan salgılanan insülindeki yetersizlik nedeniyle bu denge kurulamaz. Böylece uzun süren açlıklarda kan şekeri hayati tehlikelere yol açabilecek ani şeker düşüklüğüne veya aşırı ve sağlıksız beslenmede kan şekerinin ileri derecede yükselmesine yol açabilir” ifadelerine yer verdi.

“Bazı diyabetlilerin oruç tutma riskli olabilir

Orucun mevsimine ve yaşanan coğrafyaya göre değişen sürelerde gün boyu açlığın ve susuzluğun sürdüğü bir ibadet olduğunu söyleyen Prof. Dr. Atmaca, Hangi hastanın oruç tutabileceği diyabetinin tipine, seyrine ve eşlik eden diğer hastalıklara bağlı değişiklik gösterir. Bu yüzden her diyabet hastasının bu açıdan ayrı ayrı değerlendirilmesi gerekir. Bazı hastaların uzun sürecek bir açlık veya susuzluğa maruz kalması uygun değildir, bazılarının da uygun önlemler ve tedavide yeni düzenlemelerle oruç tutması sağlanabilir” dedi.

“Oruç ve diyabet ilişkisi, 3 grupta değerlendiriliyor”

Oruç ve diyabetik hasta ilişkisinin basitçe üç grupta ele alınabileceğini söyleyen
Prof. Dr. Atmaca, bunları şu şekilde sıraladı:

Prof. from VM Medical Park Samsun Hospital Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Clinic.  Dr.  Mehmet Hulusi Atmaca
VM Medical Park Samsun Hastanesi Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları Kliniği ‘nden Prof. Dr. Mehmet Hulusi Atmaca

Koşulsuz oruç tutmaması gereken hastalar:Bunlar; tip 1 diyabeti olanlar, tip 2 diyabeti olup da kan şekeri dengesiz ve kontrol dışı seyredenler, kan şekerinde ani düşmeler (hipoglisemi) yaşayanlar, yoğun insülin tedavisi (günde 3 kez veya daha fazla insülin enjeksiyonu) alanlar, diyabetik gebeler ve böbrek yetmezliği eşlik eden hastalardır.

Belirli önlemleri alması koşuluyla oruç tutabilecek hastalar: Diyabet hapları ile veya günde bir veya iki kez insülin kullanımı ile kan şekeri dengede olan tip 2 diyabetli hastalardır. Bu gruba giren hastaların hekimlerine başvuru yaparak oruca özgü bir tedavi düzenlemesi yapmalıdır. Aksi halde oruç tutmamalıdır.

Oruç tutabilecek hastalar: Kan şekeri sadece diyetle veya metformin ve/veya pioglitazon içeren haplarla kontrol altında olan hastalardır. Bu hastaların oruç tutmaları halinde, ilaçlarındaherhangi bir değişikliğe ihtiyacı yoktur.”

“Tatlı ve hamur içerikli gıdalardan uzak durulmalı”

Oruç tutması uygun görülen hastaların yaklaşık 14 saat sürecek açlık ve susuzlukta dikkat etmesi geren durumlar olduğunu vurgulayan Prof. Dr. Atmaca, Oruç sırasında kan şekerinde ani düşmeler veya 250 mg/dl’yi aşacak yükselmelerde oruca son verilmeli ve hekime başvurmalıdırlar. Hastaların mutlaka sahura kalkmaları, yeteri kadar sıvı almaları ve menü içeriği ve miktarı büyük önem arz eder. TatlıTatlı ve hamur içerikli gıdalardan uzak kalmak ve kalori sınırlaması, özellikle kilo sorunu olan hastalar için kilo kaybı sağlayabilir. Sonuç olarak, uygun hastalar için Ramazan ayı sağlık açısından bir fırsat ve kazanç ayına dönüştürülebilir” dedi.

Kaynak: VM Medical Park Samsun Hastanesi Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları Kliniği


VM Medical Park Samsun Hastanesi Diger Haber


VM Medical Park Samsun’da 14 Mart Tıp Bayramı Sergisi açıldı

14 March Medicine Day Exhibition opened

14 Mart Tıp Bayramı Sergisi açıldı

VM Medical Park Samsun’da 14 Mart Tıp Bayramı Sergisi açıldı

At the 14 March Medicine Day Exhibition held at VM  Medical  Park Samsun Hospital Block C  Lobby , students had the opportunity to showcase their talents and tell the society about the healing power of art  . The theme of the exhibition prepared by the students of Samsun Educational Sciences College was  ” The Healing Power of Art  ” .

The painting exhibition opened specifically for March 14 Medicine Day attracted great attention from hospital employees and visitors.  VM  Medical  Park Samsun Hospital  Chief Physician  and Nuclear Medicine Specialist Dr. Şafak Aygül, Brain and Nerve Surgery ( Neurosurgery ) Specialist Prof. Dr. Keramettin Aydın Eye Health and Diseases Specialist  Op. Dr. Talha Özdemir  met with the students who visited the exhibition. Students both experienced the excitement of  celebrating  the Doctors’  Medicine Day and gained  detailed information about the medical department.

Hospital management and doctors expressed their satisfaction with the students’ visit and emphasized the importance of having accurate  information  about health  . Students experienced how valuable healthcare services are by seeing the procedures and treatments performed in the hospital closely.

14 March Medicine Day Exhibition opened
14 March Medicine Day Exhibition opened

“  The  healing  power of art was explained

Providing information about the event,  VM  Medical  Park Samsun Hospital Chief Physician Dr. Şafak Aygül said,  “This art exhibition focused on students  showing their ability to express themselves  through art and providing the society with the opportunity to explain the healing power of art . “Our aim was to emphasize the importance of working in the field of health and to increase health awareness in society, ” he said.

Source:  VM Medical Park Samsun Hospital


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